After Harvey, St. Francis of Assisi Parish Celebrates Church, Home Renovation
[Excerpts below]
More than two years after Hurricane Harvey flooded St. Francis of Assisi parishioner Kathy Gabriel’s home, she finally celebrated the holidays this past November and December in her home that had to be demolished and rebuilt....Sherry Dunlap, [is] a fellow parishioner who took it upon her faith in action to help those families.
“Thanks to training through TMO (The Metropolitan Organization), I became the de facto Harvey Disaster Case Administrator for the church and our parishioners and others around the city,” Dunlap said.
Even St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church itself was inundated with water and the subsequent problems of mold and other issues that the Archdiocese helped to resolve.
TMO and Gulf Coast Leadership Council (GCLC) representative Gina Reynoso said the nonprofit organizations acted as a conduit to connect people in need after the hurricane with the multitude of agencies attempting to help.
With contribution from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, GCLC organized meetings with churches and their congregations impacted by the hurricane as being places of trust among the flurry of contractors and others trying to get a piece of the work. Reynoso said, “In the last two years, GCLC has held outreach sessions reaching more than 2,000 people....
[Photo Credit (left): James Ramos, Herald; (right): St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church]
A Renovated Home for the Holidays: St. Francis of Assisi Parishioners Mark Second Christmas Since Harvey, Texas Catholic Herald [pdf]
GCLC Engages 275 Harvey Survivors in North, Northeast and Southeast Houston & Pasadena
After months of research on Houston disaster recovery systems, in which leaders learned there had been little movement from nonprofit agencies servicing clients, GCLC-prepared leaders organized 10 Hurricane Harvey Home Repair & Unmet Need Intake Sessions drawing 275 survivors from their congregations. The popularity of the sessions revealed still-massive recovery needs, particularly in low-income communities. Nearly 80% of all attendees lacked an active case manager or any communication with a recovery group prior to attending the sessions. Leaders plan to put together more intake sessions, offering similar access to recovery resources, in hard-hit areas with great need.
Leaders Hold Neighborhood Harvey Home Repair Session at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic
Leaders educate neighbors of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church about Harvey Home Repair opportunities. This event was preceded by a neighborhood walk in which leaders knocked on doors to listen to residents' concerns.